Ideas Lab, World Economic Forum, Davos, 2014
21st-25th January 2014, Davos, Switzerland. “The Role of Human Nature in Economics” (English). The lecture is in Pecha Kucha format and lasts 5 minutes. Can we train our brains to…
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Digital Life Design (DLD) Conference, Munich
19th-21st January 2014, Munich, Germany. “How to Train Your Mind and Your Heart” (English). On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the DLD Conference, Tania Singer speaks about her…
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From Business to Being – Teaser
9th November 2013. Tania talks in the documentary "From Business to Being" by Hanna Henigin and Julian Wildgruber on Caring Economics — how altruism and compassion should be brought into…
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Tania on Overcoming Compassion Fatigue
19th September 2013. Tania talks about what compassion and empathy are and the differences between them by definition and from what one can see in the brain. She elaborates on…
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Tania Singer on Compassion eBook
19th September 2013. Tania talks about the process of bringing together a group of people working on compassion research to the “Life is Space” symposium held at Studio Olafur Eliason…
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