Masterclasses, Retreats, Seminars
During her life, Tania has gathered a great deal of training and experience in multiple psychological methods of personality development and personal growth, as well as in contemplative practices and inner work. Since decades she develops herself mental training programs of different forms and length. She likes to share and teach these programs and practices, combined with her interdisciplinary scientific knowledge, in the form of masterclasses, workshops, retreats and seminars.
From Inner to Societal Change
Translating Science into Practice
One of Tania’s passions is the translation of her scientific and psychological knowledge regarding mental training, personality development and inner work into different sectors of society such as the healthcare, educational or business sectors. When giving workshops, she is keen on finding a good balance between in-depth psycho-biological and neuroscientific teachings and providing enough space for engaging in actual practices designed to induce long-lasting inner transformation towards more emotional wellbeing and better mental and physical health.
Depending on whether the participants ask for the teaching of scientific findings and theoretical knowledge or rather a practical introduction into and experience of the many forms of mental practice, Tania offers different and appropriate formats:
Workshops and Seminars
ReConnect! Masterclasses
ReConnect! Journeys
The ReConnect! programs are based on Tania Singer’s 25+ years of psychological and social-neuroscientific research on the effects of different mental practices on mind, brain and behavior. The goal of these formats is to translate this profound knowledge into practice and bring these science-based precious mental training programs into different arms of society- with all their positive effects such as the increase of empathy, (self)compassion, tolerance towards others, mental health and resilience as well as the reduction of stress and loneliness and boosted social connectedness and cohesion.
ReConnect! with yourself, others and humanity at large
ReConnect! Programs
As the goal of these several weeks long Dyadprograms is, to reconnect participants with themselves, the other and society at large, they are called ReConnect.
Tania teaches these programs in multiple languauges such as German, French and English.
There are different ReConnect! Formats: ReConnect! Masterclasses and ReConnect! Journeys.
Please click here for the Flyer of the next ReConnect! Compassion Journey in Berlin in 2025: Flyer- ReConnect-Compassion-Journey_2025. Subscription for the ReConnect! Compassion Journey, please over the webpage of the Entrepreneurship foundation which is again hosting this ReConnect program
for Healthcare, Education & Leadership
ReConnect! Masterclasses
ReConnect! Masterclasses are special intensive formats adapted to the needs of different institutional environments such as healthcare, education or business/leadership. They start with 3.5 days intensive meditation retreats (typically Thursday to Sunday) in silence in a beautiful retreat center in nature. These are lead by Tania Singer and a large professional ReConnect! team of senior meditation teachers. After the retreat, particpants integrate what they learned during the intense retreat into their everyday lives with daily partner-based Dyad practices and weekly online coaching sessions taughts by Tania Singer and the ReConnect! teacher team over 8 weeks.
Masterclasses include a good balance between more theoretical teachings in psycho-biological topics by Tania Singer, guidance through different types of meditations and deep transformative processes lead by the ReConnect! meditation teachers, introduction into three types of Dyads and sharings in small circles and in the entire group. All these learnings get integrated and deepened through the 8-weeks daily Dyadprogram that follows the retreat.
Introduction into the ReConnect! Dyad practice
ReConnect! Journeys
ReConnect! Journeys focus mostly on introducing into the 8-week online Dyad practice programs. They begin with a 1.5 day long Live event in a nice city in the presence of Tania Singer and her large ReConnect! team. As in the masterclasses Journeys also have a good balance between scientific talks and practical exercises, mostly focusing however on the partner-based dyadic mental practices.
The live Kick-off event forms the fundament for the following 8-week daily Dyads and weekly 1.5 hours long coaching sessions supported by professional ReConnect! Dyad teachers.
There are different types of ReConnect! Journeys: Compassion Journeys, Perspective Journeys or Self-Compassion Journeys. These different Journeys include different types of Dyads depending on which skills are in the focus of the training: resilience through cultivation of care and gratitude, better coping with stress and difficult emotions, cultivating perspective taking skills on self and others or learning a more healthy way of being with your inner critique or feelings of shame.
You find information to the next ReConnect! in Society Journey below. The next Compassion Journey will be in German language in Berlin and subscription are now open here.
In the following, we list some of the topics and learnings which are cultivated by ReConnect! formats:
- Understanding of the Social Brain
- Introduction into the Psychology of Motivation
- Training of social capacities such as empathy and compassion
- Deeper understanding of self and others
- Increased social intelligence and perspective taking
- Introcution into different meditation and mindfulness practices
- Boosting resilience and avoiding burn-out
- Identifying unique potentials
- Deepening compassion for self and others
- Transfer of mindfulness practices into everyday life and work
- Better coping with stress and difficult emotions
- Living with uncertainty and not knowing
- Increasing deep connections and social cohesion
- Widening the circles of compassion and cooperation
Live in Berlin, 28-29th of March, 2025
The next ReConnect! Compassion Journey
The next ReConnect! Compassion Journey (in German) starts with a 1.5 day live-event in the beautiful villa Elisabeth in the middle of Berlin. She begins on the 28th of March at 2.30pm and ends the 29th of March at 6pm. Tania Singer together with a large ReConnect! team will lead this live event again and give many scientific talks and introduce into the Dyad practice. In the middle of the later 8-week Online journey she will also offer an online session so that participants can deepen their scientific understanding and ask questions.
After the live-kickoff in Berlin, participants continue an 8-week long Dyadprogram with daily partner-based exercises per telefone and accompagnied by weekly 1.5 hours coaching sessions with Dyad teachers. In the flyer below, you find all information about the ReConnect! Dyad teachers and their coaching times.
Please click here for the Flyer: Flyer- ReConnect-Compassion-Journey_2025
Subscription for the ReConnect! Compassion Journey, please over the webpage of the Entrepreneurship foundation which is again hosting this ReConnect program
Based on 25+ Years of Science
Scientific Background of ReConnect! Programs
In the context of a large-scale 9-month mental training study, the ReSource Project, Tania Singer and team investigated the effects of three 3-months long mental training modules, 3.5 days retreats at the beginning of a given module and daily app-based meditation practices including partner-based Dyads on brain, mind and behavior. Up to now, the findings are published in more than 60+ peer-reviewed scientific publications which reveal that different forms of meditations and mental practices have indeed the potential to boost mental health, subjective wellbeing, induce brain plasticity on the functional and structural level, increase social skills such as empathy, compassion and perspective taking as well as cooperation, social cohesion and prosocial behaviors.
In another more recent study, the CovSocial Project,
a mental health study performed during the Covid19 pandemic in Berliners, Tania Singer and her social neuroscience lab team in Berlin investigated the effects of a 10-week online mental training with 12-minutes daily practices and 2h supporting online coaching sessions with teachers. In this phase2 training study, the focus was mostly on comparing the effects of classic mindfulness exercises done alone with so-called contemplative Dyads, a socio-emotional mental exercise done with a partner on a daily basis over many weeks. This form of intersubjective contemplative practice was already developed by Tania Singer in her ReSource project and further developed in CovSocial as a 10-weeks online program based on specific topical coaching sessions to deepen the specific Dyad practice to achieve deep transformation. The results show that indeed socio-emotional Dyad practice had the potential to increase social skills such as empathy and compassion for self and others as well as boost mental health (decrease anxiety, stress and depression) and resilience as well as social connectedness while decreasing loneliness.
In a follow-up study, the Edu:Social School and Healthcare Project, Tania Singer and team now bring this Dyad programs into school and healthcare settings as these environment suffer from high burn-out rates.
February 15th-18th 2024
ReConnect in Society Masterclass in Austria in 2024
The German ReConnect in Society Masterclass open to everyone has taken place from February 15th-18th 2024 in the beautiful conference center St. Arbogast in Austria, close to the German and Switzerland borders.
For more information about this 3.5 day intensive retreat with 8-week follow up daily dyads at home and weekly online coaching sessions see here.
All 62 participants after the 3.5 day silent intensive retreat in St. Arbogast
Further to Tania Singer the wonderful teacher and support team consisted of Günter Hudasch, Katharina Schacht, Oliver Kirchhoff, Urte Toelke, Johannes Latzl, Joseph Kittinger, Kerstin Löbl, Astrid Westermann, Johanna Richter and Ramir Guiu.
March 24th to 27th 2022
ReConnect in Society Masterclass
This Masterclass took place in the beautiful Neuhardenberg Castle near Berlin. The goal was to reach deep inner transformation with training that is sustained and integrated into a social network.
The group of all participants after the 3-day silent retreat outside of Neuhardenberg Castle near Berlin, Germany.
The contents of the retreats were continued and transferred into the daily life of the participants with 8 weeks of daily dyad practice with changing partners and the practice was deepened by weekly online coaching with the whole group. The teacher and support team consisted of Birgit Severin, Astrid Westermann, Jochen Wahlert, Katharina Schacht, Martin Büchele, Cäcilia Krämer,Oliver Kirchhof, Günter Hudasch und Tania Singer.
July 2021 and June 2023 in Mont St Odile
ReConnect Masterclasses in HealthCare, France
These ReConnect in HealthCare Masterclasses take place on the Mont St Odile in cooperation with the “Diplôme d’Université de Médecine Méditation et Neurosciences” of the University of Strasburg under the guidance of Jean Gerard Bloch. The topic of this meditation retreat aims for the buildup of resilience and the overcoming of empathic stress through the cultivation of (self-)compassion.
In 2023, again, I was leading a ReConnect Masterclass with 45 healthcare practitioners in the magic monastery Mont St Odile together with Jean Gerard Bloch
The group of 40 doctors after the Masterclass 3-day silent retreat on the magical Mont St Odile in France
The contents of the retreats were continued and transferred into the daily life of the participants with 8 weeks of daily dyad practice with changing partners and the practice was deepened by weekly online coaching with the whole group. The team of teachers consisted of Jean-Gerard Bloch, Erick Rinner and Tania Singer.