Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Godara, M., Silveira, S., Matthäus, H., Heim, C., Voelkle, M., Hecht, M., Binder, E. & Singer, T.
Investigating differential effects of socio-emotional and mindfulness-based online interventions on mental health, resilience and social capacities during the COVID-19 pandemic: The study protocol. PLOS One. (2021)
Böckler, A. & Singer T.
Longitudinal Evidence for Differential Plasticity of Cognitive Functions: Mindfulness-based mental training enhances working memory, but not perceptual discrimination, response inhibition and metacognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (2021)
Mayer, Preckel, Ihle, Piecha, Junghanns, Reiche, Rademacher, Müller-Pinzler; Stolz, Kamp-Becker, Stroth, Roepke, Küpper, Engert, Singer, Kanske, Paulus, Krach
Assessment of reward-related brain function after a single-dose of oxytocin in autism: a randomized controlled trial. Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science (accepted)
Hoffmann, F., Wiesmann, C. G., Singer, T., & Steinbeis, N.
Development of functional network architecture explains changes in children’s altruistically motivated helping. Developmental Science (2021)
Puhlmann, L. M., Linz, R., Valk, S. L., Vrticka, P., Vos de Wael, R., Bernasconi, A., et al.
Association between hippocampal structure and serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in healthy adults: A registered report. NeuroImage (2021)
Favre, P., Kanske, P., Engen, H. G., & Singer, T
Decreased emotional reactivity after 3-month socio-affective but not attention- or meta-cognitive-based mental training: A randomized, controlled, longitudinal fMRI study. NeuroImage (2021)
Chierchia, G.; Parianen Lesemann, F. H.; Snower, D.; Singer, T.
Cooperation across multiple game theoretical paradigms is increased by fear more than anger in selfish individuals. Scientific Reports (2021)
Chierchia, G.; Przyrembel, M.; Parianen Lesemann, F. H.; Bosworth, S.; Snower, D.; Singer, T.
Navigating Motivation: A Semantic and Subjective Atlas of 7 Motives. Frontiers in Psychology (2021)
Grosse Wiesmann, C.; Friederici, A.D.; Singer, T.; Steinbeis, N.
Two systems for thinking about other’s thoughts in the developing brain. PNAS (2020)
Tholen, M.G., Trautwein, F.-M., Böckler, A., Kanske, P. & Singer, T. (2020).
fMRI item analysis of empathy and theory of mind. HBM, 41(10), 2611-2628 (2020)
Trautwein, F.; Kanske, P.; Böckler-Raettig, A.; Singer, T.
Differential Benefits of Mental Training Types for Attention, Compassion, and Theory of Mind. Cognition 194, 104039 (2020)
Puhlmann, L. M.; Engert, V.; Apostolakou, F.; Papssotirio, I.; Chrosous, G.; Vrticka, P.; Singer, T.
Only vulnerable adults show change in chronic low-grade inflammation after contemplative mental training: evidence from a randomized clinical trial. Scientific Reports 9, 19323 (2019)
Singer, T.; Engert, V.
It matters what you practice: Differential training effects on subjective experience, behavior, brain and body in the ReSource Project. Current Opinion in Psychology 28, S. 151 – 158 (2019)
Puhlmann, L. M.; Valk, S.; Engert, V.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Lin, J.; Epel, E.; Vrticka, P.; Singer, T.
Association of Short-Term Change in Telomere Length with Cortical Thickness Changes and Effects of Mental Training Among Healthy Adults: A randomised clinical trial. JAMA Network Open 2 (9) (2019)
Przyrembel, M.; Vrticka, P.; Engert, V.; Singer, T.
Loving-Kindness Meditation – A Queen of Hearts? Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (7-8), S. 95 – 129 (2019)
Bornemann, B.; Kovacs, P.; Singer, T.
Voluntary upregulation of heart rate variability through biofeedback is improved by mental contemplative training. Scientific Reports 9 (2019)
Linz, R.; Puhlmann, L. M.; Apostolakou, F.; Mantzou, E.; Papassotiriou, I.; Chrousos, G. P.; Engert, V.; Singer, T.
Acute psychosocial stress increases serum BDNF levels: An antagonistic relation to cortisol but no group differences after mental training. Neuropsychopharmacology (2019)
Preckel, K.; Trautwein, M.; Paulus, F. M.; Kirsch, P.; Krach, S.; Singer, T.; Kanske, P.
Neural mechanisms of affective matching across faces and scenes. Scientific Reports 9 (2019)
Hildebrandt, L. K.; McCall, C.; Singer, T.
Socioaffective versus sociocognitive mental trainings differentially affect emotion regulation strategies. Emotion (2018)
Banzhaf, C.; Hoffmann, F.; Kanske, P.; Fan, Y.; Walter, H.; Spengler, S.; Schreiter, S.; Singer, T.; Bermpohl, F.
Interacting and dissociable effects of alexithymia and depression on empathy. Psychiatry Research 270, pp. 631 – 638 (2018)
Linz, R.; Singer, T.; Engert, V.
Interactions of momentary thought content and subjective stress predict cortisol fluctuations in a daily life experience sampling study. Scientific Reports 8 (2018)
Böckler, A.; Tusche, A.; Schmidt, P.; Singer, T.
Distinct mental trainings differentially affect altruistically motivated, norm motivated, and self-reported prosocial behaviour. Scientific Reports 8 (2018)
Böckler, A.; Tusche, A.; Singer, T.
The structure of human prosociality revisited: Corrigendum and addendum to Böckler, Tusche, and Singer (2016). Social Psychological and Personality Science 9 (6), pp. 754 – 759 (2018)
Engert, V.; Kok, B. E.; Puhlmann, L. M.; Stalder, T.; Kirschbaum, C.; Papanastasopoulou, C.; Papassotiriou, I.; Pervanidou, P.; Chrousos, G. P.; Singer, T.
Exploring the multidimensional complex systems structure of the stress response and its relation to health and sleep outcomes. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 73, pp. 390 – 402 (2018)
Przyrembel, M.; Singer, T.
Experiencing meditation: Evidence for differential effects of three contemplative mental practices in micro-phenomenological interviews. Consciousness and Cognition 62, pp. 82 – 101 (2018)
Lumma, A.-L.; Valk, S. L.; Böckler, A.; Vrticka, P.; Singer, T.
Change in emotional self-concept following socio-cognitive training relates to structural plasticity of the prefrontal cortex. Brain and Behavior 8 (4) (2018)
Engert, V.; Ragsdale, A. M.; Singer, T.
Cortisol stress resonance in the laboratory is associated with inter-couple diurnal cortisol covariation in daily life. Hormones and Behavior 98, pp. 183 – 190 (2018)
Engen, H. G.; Kanske, P.; Singer, T.
Endogenous emotion generation ability is associated with the capacity to form multimodal internal representations. Scientific Reports 8 (2018)
Mendes, N.; Steinbeis, N.; Bueno-Guerra, N.; Call, J.; Singer, T.
Preschool children and chimpanzees incur costs to watch punishment of antisocial others. Nature Human Behaviour 2 (2017)
Valk, S. L.; Bernhardt, B. C.; Trautwein, M.; Böckler, A.; Kanske, P.; Guizard, N.; Collins, D. L.; Singer, T.
Structural plasticity of the social brain: Differential change after socio-affective and cognitive mental training. Science Advances 3 (10) (2017)